Select suitable solution
The focus should be on solutions with well-documented success conditions and lessons learned from the implementation. In our experience, this usually means solutions implemented with public co-funding or solutions that have progressed beyond the pilot phase. Keep in mind that the aim is to communicate the impact for stakeholders and spread the experiences and good practices to other cities in a usable format for different operating conditions.
Assessment template
Each of the different fields of the HUPMOBILE assessment template for stakeholder engagement has its purpose. These fields should be completed according to the instructions in the HUPMOBILE solution template and Information Fields on the HUPMOBILE Assessment Document page. Should you want our help completing the template, you can submit information about the solution using our Solution Information input form.
Engage stakeholders
Ideally, this process only needs the time and expertise of a few stakeholder representatives. In this case, the short presentation generated in the previous stage is sent to a couple of individual residents well aware of the impact of the solution, a representative of a customer organization (a company or a non-profit organization affected by the solution), a representative from the (prominent) transport authority responsible for organizing mobility in the area, and to a person with broader policymaking capacity. We have made you an example survey (using – you can translate the survey and use your own survey application if you like. However, all our supporting material for the survey is in English. You can also contact us with contact details for potential respondents if you want us to do the survey in English for you.
Document results
Should you complete the assessment with the responses from the stakeholder representatives, you can use this simple template for documenting the results. You can also consult our page for Information Fields on the HUPMOBILE Assessment Document. With the results from individual respondents, we suggest using the average of answers. Also, we suggest keeping the number of respondents to only a couple in the Individual User group and maybe only one respondent in other groups as this process is not intended to replace a full impact assessment but to communicate the potential impact to a broader audience in a format that is easy to understand. The assessment process has a built-in reality check, as there are indicators for the same sustainability aspects for several stakeholder groups – possibly with a different title for each stakeholder. Consult our support document for more information. If you have contacted us in previous stages, the documenting will be done for you if we have the responses from the suggested contacts.
As already mentioned, you can contact us at any stage. However, should you use only our judgment in the assessment or only the expertise of your planning department without stakeholders, the solution description will be accepted to our database with appropriate disclaimers.
Having said that, these are the shortcuts you can do for communicating the potential impact of a sustainable mobility solution for a wider audience:
- Suggest a mobility solution to us by using our Solution Information input form or our solution template and let us do the solution assessment as a desktop research work.
- Suggest a mobility solution to us by using our Solution Information input form and we will provide you the completed description for your own assessment with city personel or actual stakeholders.
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