Cumulus Green 2020
For a New Circular Economy

Winners Unveiled!

Do More and Better with Less​

We are currently consuming more resources than ever, exceeding the planet’s capacity for regeneration. What role will you play to do more and better with less?

Cumulus Green 2020: For a New Circular Economy invites students from all Cumulus member institutions to submit design projects that advance the goals of SDG 12: responsible consumption and production. The competition is open to all art, design and media disciplines and calls for innovative solutions that can create a socially and environmentally prosperous world.

Find Out How to Become a Cumulus Member

How to Participate

Steps for Member Institutions



Cumulus Member Institutions register by October 15, 2019 to participate in the competition.

Click here to find out if your Institution is registered


Receive ID Code

Cumulus Member Institutions receive an ID code for the competition.


Share Info

Cumulus Member Institutions either:

  1. Share guidelines with their students if there is a pre-selection process of submissions at their institution

  2. and/or

  3. Share a registration ID code for the competition with their students

Steps for Students


Receive ID Code

Get the ID code from your Cumulus Member representative.


Upload Submission

Students upload their submission with their institution code by January 31, 2020.

***Important reminder to all students: You must have your institutional ID code to be able to submit; you will not be able to register and submit without it!