Key readings

Here you can find a list of key references provided by the speakers of the Symposium.

Melisa Stevanovic

Stevanovic, Melisa (2018). Social deontics: A nano-level approach to human power play. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 48(3), 369–389.

Stevanovic, Melisa; Himberg, Tommi; Niinisalo, Maija; Kahri, Mikko; Peräkylä, Anssi; Sams, Mikko & Hari, Riitta (2017). Sequentiality, mutual visibility, and behavioral matching: Body sway and pitch register during joint decision-making. Research on Language and Social Interaction 50(1), 33–53.

Dan Zahavi:
We in Me or Me in We? Collective Intentionality and Selfhood :
Ulrike Steinert

B. R. Foster, “The Person in Mesopotamian Thought”, in: K. Radner and E. Robson (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Cuneiform Culture (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 2011, 117-139.

U. Steinert, “Person, Identität und Individualität im antiken Mesopotamien”, in: E. Bons and K. Finsterbusch (eds.), Konstruktionen individueller und kollektiver Identität (II). Alter Orient, hellenistisches Judentum, römische Antike, Alte Kirche (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht), 2017, 39-100.
Arnulf Depperman

Deppermann, Arnulf (2015):  Positioning. In: De Fina, Anna/Georgakopoulou, Alexandra (Hrsg.): Handbook of Narrative Analysis. New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015. S. 369-387.
Martijn van Zomeren

Van Zomeren, M. (2016). Building a Tower of Babel? Integrating Core Motivations and Features of the Social Structure in the Political Psychology of Political Action. Advances in Political Psychology, 37, 1-28

van Zomeren, M., Kutlaca, M., & Turner-Zwinkels, F. (2018). Integrating who “we” are with what “we”(will not) stand for: A further extension of the Social Identity Model of Collective Action. European Review of Social Psychology, 29(1), 122-160.
Elsa Ronningstam

Ronningstam E, Weinberg I,  Goldblatt M, Schechter M,  Herbstman B.  Suicide and Self-regulation in Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 2018; 46 (4): 491 – 510.

Ronningstam E. Intersect between self-esteem and emotion regulation in narcissistic
Personality disorder – Implications for alliance building and treatment. Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation. 2017; 4(3):1-13. DOI 10.1186/s40479-017-0054-8
Arto Laitinen
(ch 4).